Igniting Inner Leadership
Photo by Monika Meska
Igniting your inner leadership - my example.
Leadership is changing. It is not just a role reserved for some special person.
It is not just a skill that can only be acquired by attending some expensive training.
Leadership is our human birthright!
Every person is unique. Every person has a unique set of gifts and talents, skills and capabilities, experiences and perspectives. Every person has a role to play in the evolution of humanity and in building a better world around us.
Doing so is LEADERSHIP!
Being ready to do so often requires courage to make some changes in ourselves!
To ignite LEADERSHIP inside us, we must choose to:
face our fears and deal with self-doubt
develop new habits and mindset
commit to getting to know ourselves
get out of our comfort zone
find purpose to contribute to in life
New leadership needs us to step up!
The world needs us in the best shape of who we truly are.
So just for a moment imagine a place where every person lives and leads from a place of their personal power and purpose and that purpose is aligned with the needs of the world!
Change starts with “the man in the mirror” and being a leader starts with committing and developing who we truly are, and what we have to offer.
Example: So how am I igniting my own inner leadership?
So, how am I igniting my inner leadership exactly? By stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing my ideas with the world by taking on solo talks at various events.
Last year, I had the privilege to be invited to speak at a few international conferences, including my first-ever keynote! It is always great fun to work on the content together and share the stage with my partner in crime, Daniel Terhorst-North. But it is a completely different piece of business to share a brand new idea with the world on my own.
I’m walking the walk and leaning into my intuition. I want to speak my truth, one that comes from my heart and reflects on my own experiences.
It can be easy to fall into fear and lack the courage to voice the ideas that might help to shape the future.
Personal growth is about being vulnerable and also having confidence in yourself. What you bring to the table is important and valuable even if it is different and doesn't follow the norm of what is expected.
So here I am stepping up and igniting my own inner leader in the hope of inspiring others to do the same.
In summary
Leadership is indeed changing, it is not just reserved for a select few.
Each person is unique and has a role to play in building a better world.
Igniting leadership inside us requires courage to change ourselves.
We must step out of our comfort zone, and find our unique purpose and contribute by sharing ideas
Personal growth involves being vulnerable and confident in oneself.
Everyone has something valuable to offer, even if it differs from the norm
Moment of Reflection
I invite you to think about how you can ignite your inner leader more.
Take a look at my speaking services here.